Hey people

So i am terribly sorry to notify the very few readers i have that was in indonesia for 3 weeks therefore i could not actually post anything as i only had access to mobile application of blogger. And this isnt really that user friendly so that kinda sux. But oh well, now i am back and now i am back to work.

I came back friday last week and started my work again on monday. Have managed to clear up three projects so far so i am pretty happy about that, and then i also preparing some stuff to do an update about some Vallejo Washes, as i still have the whole range to do reviews on. It will be pretty simple for the moment but once i have the chance i will be doing a more in depth one.

As off right now i am focusing on getting the tutorials done. THen also have a Khairos to finish along with my own set of dark vengeance which i am painting up for fun/ to add to my portfolio. So do keep an eye out for that!! ;)

Short update. But better than nothing! HAhahahahahaha do stay tuned for more. As i said i will be adding the washes by today most probably :)